Have you ever wanted to just take off, leave it all behind and go see what’s out there? This story is about a Kiwi man who did just that. Taking only what would fit into the saddlebags of his motorcycle, living out of his tent and sleeping anywhere from campgrounds to cornfields. Rod set out on an adventure that would include six countries, in two hemispheres, over the course of two years. Join Rod as he rides his Harley Davidson from top to bottom of New Zealand, throughout 48 US states, including Route 66, and along the Gold Coast of Australia. All the while exploring, discovering and searching out relatives, friends and points for the HOG ABC competition. Combining the actual day to day challenges of travelling by motorcycle with immersion into local social, cultural, historical knowledge results in an informative story line. Interpersonal conversations and humorous anecdotal asides, encourage the readers to become an actual participant in the travels. Adventurers, motorcyclists and armchair travellers alike of all age groups will find equal appeal in this adventure. The only New Zealander to ever win the Harley Owners Group ABC competition was just the icing on the cake to complement this amazing experience and his personal growth. A true story, with some embellishments.