The gripping sequel to The Astromancer - translated into te reo Maori by Hēni Jacob. Koia tēnei, ko te paki whakaihiihi e whai mai ana i Te Kokorangi. Noho morearea ana nga ra ki tua- kua mauheretia a Te Kokorangi e te hoariri kino, e Ruatapu, waihoki, e matemate katoa ana nga mara kūmara. Me matua whai a Aria ma - tae atu ki a Kurī - i te ara uaua a Tawhaki. Me piki ki nga rangi, ka inoi ai i a Whanui kia awhina mai. Heoi ano, me kamakama tonu, i te mea kua tata te putanga o Matariki. Āe ranei ka tutuki i a ratou tēnei kakenga mutunga mai o te uaua . . . The gripping sequel to The Astromancer. The future is looking bleak- not only is the Astromancer held captive by the wicked Ruatapu, but also the kūmara crops are dying. Aria and her fellow apprentices - and Kurī - must repeat Tawhaki's great feat and climb up into the heavens to ask the star Whanui for help. They have to act quickly because Matariki is drawing close, but the journey seems impossible . . .